Tips & Tricks

Chef’s Tip: Prevent fruit from falling to the bottom of the pan during cooking

Although good, cakes, whether sweet or savoury, often surprise us with their poorly distributed toppings. We’ll give you all the right tricks to make your cake look good inside. The good thing about cakes is that you can put just…

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Chef’s tip: Prepare and preserve your onion jam before Christmas!

If you are a foie gras lover, you know that the onion confit to accompany it is a bit of a must. But making onion confit isn’t that complicated, is it? But how do you preserve it afterwards? We love…

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Chef’s Tip: Prevent milk from spilling over

Heating milk in a saucepan is not without risk. A moment’s inattention and the entire contents of the pan could spill over the stove. We give you some tips from chefs to avoid accidents. Milk escaping from the pan is…

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Regional discovery: Breton cuisine in France!

France is known for the richness of its gastronomy. There is gastronomic cuisine and traditional cuisine. Today you can discover the regional cuisine of Brittany in the Great West. We are your special envoy. Abroad, we are considered as a…

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Which fruits and vegetables to choose for Spring?

Spring is the season when new fruits and vegetables arrive on the shelves. Since March 20th, the Spring season has arrived and will last until the end of June. Long live Spring, its sunshine and light breezes! We suggest that…

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Which coffee machine to choose to make a good espresso?

An espresso machine allows you to enjoy the best Italian-style coffee at home or at the office, a quality coffee to meet your needs and stimulate your senses. The variety of espresso machines is quite wide and this can make…

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Coffee machine: Which one to buy?

Currently, coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in France, just after water. Statistics indicate that nearly 90% of the French population drinks coffee regularly. But to prepare coffee properly, it is necessary to have a high-performance coffee machine….

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